January 2025
David Storrs Grant Applications Now Open!
This competitive grant program provides reimbursement of up to $5,000 per team to cover entry fees, travel expenses, and lodging for an entire year. In addition to financial support, each selected team will receive guidance from an experienced mentor, offering invaluable advice to ensure a successful match racing campaign. Applications close April 1.
Donate to the Match Racing Fund
Interested in supporting the future of match racing in the United States? Consider donating to the David Storrs Match Racing Fund here.
Click on the links below:
Top Ten List
Below is a ranking of U.S. match racers based on their most recent World Sailing ranking.
Women's Rankings (10 of the skippers are in the top 50 world-wide; World rankings are among Women)
As of January 1, 2025
1. Nicole Breault (16 in the World)
2. Bridget Groble (18 in the World)
3. Allie Blecher (20 in the World)
4. Janel Zarkowsky (21 in the World)
5. Marilyn Cassedy (24 in the World)
6. Lindsey Baab (31 in the World)
7. Danielle Gallo (37 in the World)
8. Siena Nichols (38 in the World)
9. Julia Jaynes (44 in the World)
10. Caroline Bayless (48 in the World)
Open Rankings (10 of the skippers are in the top 50 world-wide)
As of January 1, 2025
1. Chris Poole (1 in the World)
2. Ryan Seago (13 in the World)
3. Gavin Brady (15 in the World)
4. Nicole Breault (16 in the World)
5. Pearson Potts (19 in the World)
6. Peter Holz (21 in the World)
7. Cormac Murphy (23 in the World)
8. Dave Hood (25 in the World)
9. Lionel Crear (36 in the World)
10. Jeffrey Petersen (45 in the World)
Youth Rankings (7 of the skippers are in the top 50 world-wide)
As of January 1, 2025
1. Morgan Pinckney (7 in the World)
2. Justin Callahan (10 in the World)
3. Siena Nichols (14 in the World)
4. Dylan Sih (30 in the World)
5. Hamilton Barclay (38 in the World)
6. Noah Stapleton (43 in the World)
7. Alex Lech (44 in the World)
8. Thomas Sitzmann (56 in the World)
9. Chapman Petersen (82 in the World)
10. Eddie Kliem (83 in the World)
The Dial Up - the free North American match racing e-newsletter
Click here to receive The Dial Up and to read archived editions. The Dial Up is a FREE e-newsletter covering all things Match Racing in North America. The e-newsletter features:
- a master calendar of match racing regattas and clinics in North America
- promotion of upcoming major events
- regatta results
- coaching tips
- links to cool videos and websites
The 2021-2024 Racing Rules for Match Racing (Appendix C)
- Summary of changes to RRS Appendix C (March 1, 2021)
- Standard Match Racing Notice of Race and Sailing Instruction
- Match Racing Rules Dave Perry ppt (revised August 22, 2016)
- A Different Game by Dave Perry (revised March 1)
- To watch Dave Perry’s explanation of the Match Racing rules on YouTube, click here
North U Welcome to Match Racing 101 and Match Racing Master Class Series
In the Spring of 2020, Dave Perry led two free match racing series hosted by North U and supported by the generosity of the David Storrs family. One was a four session series called Welcome to Match Racing 101, which explained what match racing was and how each aspect worked (Prestart, Upwind & Downwind legs, Marks and Penalty System). The other was a nine session series called Match Racing Master Class, which was an advanced in-depth discussion of the rules, tactics and strategies of the four major aspects of the discipline.
200 sailors and race officials from 15 countries participated in the Welcome to Match Racing 101 series; and 250 sailors and race officials from 14 countries participated in the Master Class series.
The recordings from each session, along with the combined Chat Room transcripts of each session, are located at the link below. You are welcome to share this link with other sailors, race officials and race organizers who may be interested in learning more about match racing.
Welcome to Match Racing 101 Class Session Topics...
session 1 - Match Racing Tactics & Strategies – the Prestart
session 2 - Match Racing Tactics & Strategies – Upwind & Downwind Legs
session 3 - Match Racing Tactics & Strategies – Mark Roundings
session 4 - Match Racing Tactics & Strategies – Penalty Killing
Match Racing Master Class Session Topics...
session 1 – Rules & Tactics in the Prestart
session 2 - Rules & Tactics on the Beats & Windward Mark
session 3 - Rules & Tactics on the Runs & Leeward Mark/Finish
session 4 - Best Strategies & Tactics for the Prestart
session 5 - Best Strategies & Tactics for the Beats & Windward Mark
session 6 - Best Strategies & Tactics for the Runs & Leeward Mark/Finish
session 7 – Rules & Tactics in the Penalty System
session 8 - Best Strategies & Tactics in the Penalty System
North U Match Racing 101 and Master Class Series recordings and transcripts:
North U Match Racing Series Recordings
"A compressed file of the North U Match Racing Master Class Series recordings and transcripts"
North U Match Racing Playbook by Dave Perry
The North U Match Racing Playbook by Dave Perry, updated for the current rules, is now available for free online, thanks to the generosity of the David Storrs family and the support for match racing from North U. The Playbook contains six chapters that explain match racing tactics from the Prestart through the Penalty Killing System. In addition, the Playbook contains seven pages of drills for one and two boats, and a page of match racing resources.
To read the North U Match Racing Playbook:
If you would like a paperback edition of the North U Match Racing Playbook:
Match Racing Committee
Racing Promotion
Running A race
- Hosting/Running a Match Race
- Pairing Sheet program
- How to Use the Pairing Sheet program
- Running Efficient Match Racing Events by Donald Wilson
- World Sailing Match Racing Umpire Manual
- World Sailing Umpire Library
- World Sailing Race Management Manual (see Section T for Match Racing)
- Match Racing Timer Worksheet
- Event Grading
Umpiring a Race
- US Sailing’s Umpire Program
- Find an Umpire
- World Sailing Umpire Library
- World Sailing Match Racing Call Book
- World Sailing Match Racing Umpire Manual
- World Sailing Rapid Response Calls (scroll down to “Duties & Procedures”)
- World Sailing Standard Match Racing NOR and Sailing Instructions (scroll down to “Notice of Race & Sailing Instructions Guides”)
Racing tips
- North U Match Racing Playbook
- Prestart Do’s and Don’t’s
- Communication Chart for 3
- Communication Chart for 4
- Match Racing Quiz – Green Circle
- Match Racing Quiz - Green Circle Answers
- Match Racing Quiz – Black Diamond
- Match Racing Quiz - Black Diamond Answers
- Tactics at Gates
- Winning the Left on the Starting Line
- Final Minute
- Womens International Match Racing Association (WIMRA)
- Downwind Jail by Dave Perry