Are you looking for the 2025-2028 rules?
Please head to the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2025-2028 page, where you can download the Racing Rules App, order a rulebook or any of our other rules-related products, find resources for understanding the new rules, and more!
The purpose of The Racing Rules of Sailing is to keep sailors and boats safe and to provide fair competition
The Racing Rules of Sailing govern sailboat racing around the world. They are published every four years by World Sailing (WS), and take effect on January 1 of the year following the Summer Olympic Games.
The rules are governed by two basic principles:
Sportsmanship and the Rules
Competitors in the sport of sailing are governed by a body of rules that they are expected to follow and enforce. A fundamental principle of sportsmanship is that when a boat breaks a rule and is not exonerated she will promptly take an appropriate penalty or action, which may be to retire.
Environmental Responsibility
Participants are encouraged to minimize any adverse environmental impact of the sport of sailing.
US Sailing Prescriptions
The US Sailing Prescriptions govern races that are held in the United States or the parts of international races that pass through U.S. waters. The US Sailing Prescriptions rank as rules in the United States.
Download the US Sailing Prescriptions for 2025-2028
Further information about the prescriptions: