Tacking Tips Part I – The Turn

Good tacks are essential to good racing. Make each tack a little better and you’ll save a few boat lengths every race. Tacks can be divided into two parts: The Turn and The Acceleration.

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Lake Sailing Tips

By Richard Feeny, US Sailing Junior National Coach, Finger Lakes Junior Laser Champion Introduction The shape of the land to windward of the race course will affect the wind. The first thing to look for is any low area that will let the wind onto the race course. In a flat country with no valleys…Read More

Youth Sailing Today

Five Key Principles for Youth Sailing Today US Sailing is undertaking a long-term project to incorporate the five key principles outlined in the American Development Model into our strategy for growing participation in both recreational and competitive sailing. These five key principles include: Expand access to create opportunity for more youth to start sailing Developmentally…Read More

Distance Racing Fundamentals

By: Bill Gladstone, Director of North U and author of the North U Racing Trim, North U Racing Tactics, and North U Cruising and Seamanship books and discs. When racing distances, there are several tactics to keep in mind: aim toward the finish line; sail fast and hard; keep your eye on the weather and; practice at…Read More

Speed & Smarts: In heavy air, play the shifts

By David Dellenbaugh When you’re sailing in a lot of breeze, your boat is usually overpowered. Because of this, finding more wind velocity probably won’t help you go much faster or point higher. In fact, in some cases a strong puff might even slow you down. A good wind shift, on the other hand, can…Read More

Dave Perry’s Racing Rules: Quiz 23

Quiz 23 Boats W (a windward boat) and L (a leeward boat) are reaching towards the gybe mark. L becomes overlapped with W from clear astern. They are both sailing proper courses and are on a collision course. As they near each other, W hails, “You came from clear astern and I’m on my proper…Read More

Speed & Smarts: In light air, go for better pressure

by David Dellenbaugh When you’re racing in light air, a three-knot increase in wind velocity might improve your boat speed by 30% or 40% (and you will point higher, too). But in heavy air, the same wind increase might improve your speed only 5% to 10% (and it probably won’t help your pointing). What this…Read More

Top 10 Reasons to Sail a Catamaran

10. Fast is fun. Multihulls are fast. Average upwind speeds near 10 knots are common, and downwind at 15-20 knots is easy. 9. Stability is relaxing. The ability to park and “chillax” is a great trait of multihulls. 8. Fewer collisions. Because the collisions have high consequences there are very few. 7. Kinetics don’t work.…Read More

Tacking Tips Part II – The Acceleration

The Acceleration A proper turn is just the first part of a tack. Part II – The Acceleration will complete the tack. As noted before, all the losses from tacking accrue during this critical second phase. Typically, (on keelboats) losses are between one and two boat lengths. Our goal is to minimize losses. Coming out…Read More

Trim for Waves

By: Bill Gladstone, Director of North U and author of the North U Racing Trim, North U Racing Tactics, and North U Cruising and Seamanship books and discs.  Each sail has three sources of power: angle of attack, depth, and twist. Proper trim means sailing at full power and with the proper mix of power. For a…Read More