As a US Sailing Basic Keelboat Instructor, Eileen Edmonds, who instructs for Premier Sailing School in Irvington, Virginia, never approaches two courses, or two sets of students, the same way. She has a fresh original approach for each student, starting always with their dreams and desires as they set out on their learning adventure. She is a fabulous people person and takes care of the small details, like providing lots of iced water and summer fruits to help combat the Chesapeake Bay summer heat.
She is also a very good technical sailor with great attention to detail and a superlative problem solver – just the kind of person you want to have on board during an emergency!
Eileen has instructed for Premier Sailing, on and off, for 18 years. In between instructing, and her other profession as songwriter and performing artist, Eileen also races J24s and engages in boat deliveries around the East coast.
Eileen is known to organize singing events among her students.