2015 AweSTEM Back to School Fun at NESS

Caroline Pierce of New England Science and Sailing wrote the following blog post about their AweSTEM in August of 2015.

“One month ago, NESS held their first “AweSTEM Back to School” event for students in grades 2-6. NESS, a proud US Sailing REACH sub-hub, offered an afternoon of free programming for 44 students from Connecticut and Rhode Island.

The curriculum for the day included learning about the six different types of simple machines (pulley, lever, inclined plane, wedge, screw, wheel & axel) and how sailing and kayaking use simple machines to gain a mechanical advantage on the water. Students also carried out water quality comparisons between NESS’s aquariums and the harbor. Microscopes were used to get a closer look at plankton and the adult animals in the touch tanks. While kayaking, students tested the salinity and temperature of the harbor which they then compared to measurements they took of the aquariums in the lab.”

You can read the rest of her post here.