Present were Executive Committee members Sarah Alger, Paul Callahan, Jim Capron, Don Durant, Bruce Eissner, Fred Hagedorn, Stephen Jeffries, Jim Muldoon, Dave Rosekrans, John Ross, and Mike Schoettle. Also present were Executive Director Nick Craw and, at the invitation of the President, Larry Ledgerwood. 

1.       Approval of the April 16, 2002, Board Minutes.

  • Motion: a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the April 16, 2002 Executive Committee minutes.

2.       President’s Remarks.  Dave Rosekrans acknowledged Larry Ledgerwood, who was present as a guest, having facilitated the Executive Committee/Staff planning meeting held the day before.  Dave Rosekrans expressed his appreciation to Nick Craw for his efforts as Executive Director.

3.       Treasurer’s Report.  Stephen Jeffries reported that current cash flow is good and there is no need to tap the credit line for at least the next four months. However, a deficit of $146,000 is budgeted for the year, which can be achieved only if additional unbudgeted expenses are overcome.

4.       Executive Director’s Report.  Nick Craw noted that the Executive Director’s Report was distributed.  In addition, he presented an outline of strategic priorities.  Three proposals for a new accounting and membership database system have been received and are being reviewed.  Staff is currently looking at banking services to determine if there is a bank in closer geographic proximity that would meet US SAILING’s needs.

5.       Organization Restructuring Report.  Mike Schoettle presented a proposal for ensuring all committees and councils have a liaison on the Executive Committee, with the goal of improving and streamlining communication flow.  Dave Rosekrans added Paul Callahan and Jim Capron to the Organization Restructuring Task Force, which currently consists of Bob Lane, Ted Everingham, and Mike Schoettle, chair.

  • Motion: A motion was made, seconded and approved to receive the report of the Organization task force and endorse further work on this proposal.

6.       Communications

6.a.    Newsletter.  The Executive Committee discussed the importance of producing a newsletter to communicate directly and regularly to members. Working with the Communications Committee, Nick Craw will develop a proposal for producing a newsletter, which would include an issue summarizing the accomplishments of the year, and present it to the Executive Committee.

7.       Certification of Race Officials.  It was recommended that an appellate process be put in place regarding race officer recognition and certification. Jim Capron agreed to develop a plan with the Race Administration Committee.

8.       AGM Sponsorship, Annual and Spring Meeting Costs.  Nick Craw presented costs of the annual meetings.  It was noted that the fiscal year calendar change offers new flexibility in determining US SAILING meeting dates.

  • Motion: A motion was made, seconded and approved to solicit sponsorship for AGM meetings; if sponsorship is successfully achieved, the member attendance fee will be the first cost to be eliminated. 

9.       National Women's Sailing Association Affiliation.  The NWSA proposed contract was discussed.

10.   Financial Regulations.  Steve Jeffries noted that the board has directed that the Executive Committee incorporate recommendations of the Auditors in the Management letter into the bylaws of the organization. 

  • Motion: A motion was made, seconded and approved to table the discussion of the financial regulations until all members of the Executive Committee have had an opportunity to review the revised regulations. 

11.   US SAILING Office.  Nick Craw presented a plan for reviewing office space options, noting that the US SAILING lease on its current headquarters will end in 2003.  He recommended that the Executive Committee charge a building committee with analyzing the space requirements of the office and seeking appropriate space based on those needs.

  • Motion: A motion was made, seconded and approved to move forward with developing an office space plan and recommendations regarding a new headquarters site.

12.   Sanctioning Working Party.  Dave Rosekrans reported that a sanctioning task force has been appointed. The members of the task force are Pat Healy, Jack Caldwell, Art Engel and Bruce Cook.  The staff liaison is Nick Craw.

13.   New Business.  

13.k.    Americap Working Party.  Dave Rosekrans approved the addition of Dennis Conner to the Americap Working Party.

13.l.      Committee Ratification: The Executive Committee ratified the addition of Steve Prime to the General Services Committee.

14.   Executive Session (Executive Committee members only)

Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Sarah Alger

Next Executive Committee meeting - Monday, June 17, 2002, at 8:00 p.m. (Eastern time) via conference call.