Executive Committee members Dave Rosekrans, Ted Everingham, Bruce Eissner, Stephen Jeffries, John Ross, Fred Hagedorn, Pat Seidenspinner, Charley Cook, Don Durant, Mike Schoettle, and Linda Kessler were present. Also present were Interim Executive Director William Placke and, at the invitation of the president, Budget Chair Donna Hobbs.

1.       Approval of the Minutes from September 18 and October 9.

·         Motion: a motion to approve the minutes of September 18 and October 9, as amended, was made, seconded and approved.

2.       President’s Remarks. No remarks.

3.      Budget.  Donna Hobbs stated that the budget report will include a recommendation that the Budget Committee does not support the use of credit at this time, even though it recognizes the importance of expenditures for strategic initiatives.

4.     Treasurer’s Report. Stephen Jeffries reported that a break-even or slight surplus is expected for the year 2001. This was noteworthy because of the extraordinary expenditure of $160,000 resulting from the departure of the executive director and search for a new director, as well as the additional $30,000 for the improved Rule Book.

5.      Interim Executive Director’s Report.

5.a.    Membership Report.  Bill Placke reported that new adult membership applications are above last year, while renewals total about 1,300 members less than last year. Overall, on a revenue basis, membership is ahead of budget. In a year with a membership price increase, this is a significant accomplishment.  For the last three months, Membership has worked closely with Harborwatch to clean up the membership lists, including e-mail addresses, which will be important for meeting US Post Office requirements.  An e-mail appeal sent to 2,200 lapsed members offering a 15 month-renewal rate and a mug yielded a 2.2% response to date, which is considered a strong response in direct mail. Also, staff is developing a questionnaire for use in market research focused on membership and renewals.   

5.b.    Work Plan.  Bill Placke reported on the progress of the staff’s work plan, Operation Hullspeed. He noted that one task is complete, regarding improving volunteer and staff relationships, and will be presented at the Board Meeting on Thursday. Charley Cook volunteered his law firm to develop policy guidelines and an agreement regarding the dominion over business property (such as contracts, memoranda and electronic messages) as it relates to staff and volunteers. The Executive Committee applauded Bill Placke on his efforts.

6.       Recommendations Needed from Appeals Committee.

6.a.    Appeals and Referrals of Rule 76.1 Decisions.  The issue of whether or not appeals of Rule 76.1, which addresses eligibility, should go directly to the US SAILING Appeals Committee, bypassing the association appeals committees. Currently, only appeals of US SAILING Championship protests and Rule 69 protests are heard directly by the US SAILING Appeals Committee. The Executive Committee determined that the process of appeals should be supported and exceptions to the process should be minimized. 

·      Motion: a motion was made, seconded and approved that, as a matter of policy, the Executive Committee supports the current process of handling appeals of protest committee decisions regarding US SAILING Racing Rule 76.1 and the related prescriptions.

6.b.    Fees for Appeals.  Given that charging a fee to file a protest is no longer permissible, the question has been asked if fees for appeals should also be eliminated.  It was noted that, unlike protests, significant costs are associated with the administration of appeals.

·         Motion: a motion was made, seconded and approved to refer the issue to the Council of Sailing Associations for its advice regarding the impact of such a decision on Regional Sailing Associations and association appeals committees.

7.     Fund Raising.  Dave Rosekrans noted that US SAILING must move forward on fundraising, with the full support of the Executive Committee and the Board. Fred Hagedorn, chair of the Fundraising Task Force, reported that two Requests for Proposals have been disseminated. One requested a feasibility study of the fundraising opportunities and potential for US SAILING.  The second focused on identifying a development professional to do fund raising. After interviewing a number of individuals and firms, the field was narrowed to two local and one national fundraising firm, all of which are capable of supporting both the feasibility study and the direct fundraising. Bruce Eissner noted that he strongly supports the feasibility study, but asked that this study not be perceived as a prioritized donor management program.  

        Fred Hagedorn noted that other countries are spending significant funds on youth 
        and Olympic sailing, and if the United States is to be successful in fielding our 
        national sailing teams, we must invest significant funds in supporting our sailors 
        and raise funds for youth development, Paralympic and Olympic sailing. The 
        Executive Committee voiced its commitment to supporting this initiative.

8.      Recommendation Regarding Adams and Mallory Event.  Dave Rosekrans noted that the Adams and Mallory Cup Championships began just after the September 11 tragedy in Rush Creek, Texas. The decision was made not to designate the event as the official championship, as only five of the teams participated due to flight cancellations. However, at the time it was felt that those sailors, who through extraordinary efforts, were able to be there should have the opportunity to sail. The Executive Committee determined that their efforts and accomplishments should be recognized through the awarding of trophies.

·         Motion: a motion was made, seconded and approved to ask the Mallory and Adams Cup Committees to recommend an appropriate name and trophy for the event held in Rush Creek. This name cannot include the names Mallory, Adams or National Championship.

9.      ISAF/ORC/IMS Discussion. The Executive Committee agreed that US SAILING would not take a position in the discussions between ISAF and the ORC. However, if IMS should be made a class within ISAF, Bruce Eissner is authorized to negotiate the terms under which the IMS controls and data would be transferred to the new IMS class.

10. Orbidex Disclosure.  Dave Rosekrans reported that discussions regarding our strategic use of technology could possibly occur with the firm Orbidex, and that Bruce Eissner has disclosed an interest in this firm.

11.   New Business.

11.a.  Anti-doping. Fred Hagedorn reported that the Olympic Sailing Committee, with the endorsement of the Sports Medicine and Bylaws Committees, has drafted a new Regulation 3.60 regarding Anti-Doping and would like to forward it to the board on Thursday, so that discussions can continue during the weekend before a vote is requested at the Sunday board meeting.

·         Motion: a motion was made, seconded and approved that the change to US SAILING Regulation 3.60 be recommended to the Board of Directors.

12.b.    Injuries in Sailing.  Dr. Gary Fisher has requested support in doing an epidemiological study of injuries in sailing. Bruce Eissner noted that the organizations connected with sports medicine and sailing do not support this study, as presented.

·         Motion: a motion was made, seconded and approved to decline the offer by Dr. Fisher, with gratitude for his interest.

12.c.    International Foundation of Disabled Sailors.  Fred Hagedorn reported that the IFDS will be holding its Annual Meeting in St. Petersburg next week.  On behalf of the Olympic Committee and Sailors with Special Needs, Fred Hagedorn recommended that US SAILING appoint a representative to the IFDS.

·         Motion: a motion was made, seconded and approved that Paul Callahan be designated as the US SAILING representative to the International Foundation for Disabled Sailors for 2001.

13.   Executive Session (Executive Committee members only)

The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 a.m.  The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on Sunday, October 21, 2001 at 7:00 am (Eastern standard time), St. Petersburg, Florida.

Respectfully submitted,


Sarah Alger