A meeting of the Executive Committee of the United States Sailing Association was held by telephone conference at 2000 (Eastern Time) on Tuesday, May 18, 1999. President Muldoon presided, and Secretary Everingham recorded the minutes.

1. ROLL CALL AND INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS. All members of the Executive Committee were present except Messrs. Colgate and Haenel and Ms. Seidenspinner. Also present were Executive Director Terry Harper and, at the invitation of the President, Board member Phil Eaton.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The minutes of the April 20, 1999 meeting of the Executive Committee were approved as distributed before the meeting.

  1. PRESIDENT'S REMARKS. Mr. Muldoon reported that the U.S. Coast Guard is moving quickly toward the development of a new SOSpender PFD.

US SAILING will get the second phase of Coast Guard Sailing Smart grant. Our other Coast Guard grant application is still being reviewed.

Mr. Muldoon has written to the Coast Guard advocating strongly that US SAILING be made part of the task force to develop safeboating standards.

Propeller-guard proposals have been shelved.

4. Treasurer's Report. Treasurer Lane discussed the financial statements for the seven-month period ended April 30, 1999, which were distributed to the Executive Committee by mail the week before the meeting. Year-to-date revenues and expenses are on budget.

5. Executive Director's Report. The Executive Director’s report was distributed before the meeting.

5a. Membership Report - Mr. Harper reviewed the statistical information distributed to the Executive Committee before the meeting and discussed in his report.

5b. West Marine Contract – The Executive Committee approved the West Marine contract as described in the Executive Director’s report.

5c. Licensing (Soft Goods) – The Executive Committee approved a six-month trial arrangement for cooperatively promoting and distributing US SAILING soft goods through Pacific Embroidery on the terms described in the Executive Director’s report.

5d. Personnel – Mr. Harper reported briefly on the continuing efforts to recruit a replacement for John Wright.

6. Unfinished Business

6a. US SAILING Website Update – Mr. Schoettle reported that nearly all committees and councils now are "up" on the new site (http://ussailing.pshift.com). The next task is to put the database on the site to be followed by an intense staff review with a target to go "live" on May 28. The project is on budget.

Mr. Muldoon asked each Executive Committee member to send him a one-paragraph reaction to the site before the June 28 Executive Committee meeting.

6b. GMC Contract – Mr. Harper discussed the arrangements with GMC, which are described in detail in his report.

6c. Site Selection Committee Recommendation – 2001 Spring Meeting – Mr. Chamberlain reported that the Site Selection Committee recommends Cleveland as a site of the 2001 Spring Meeting. The Executive Committee approved that site.

7. New Business

7a. Category B Advertising, Kenwood Cup 2000 – The Executive Committee approved Category B advertising for IMS boats competing in the Kenwood Cup in 2000, recognizing that the relevant ISAF rules may change before then.

7b. Bank Account Signatories – The Executive Committee approved additional Heather Godsey and Karen O’Neil as signatories on US SAILING bank accounts to replace John Wright.

7c. Junior Women’s Championships Committee Request – Ms. Baxter reported that the Board in October approved a "carryover" of funds from 1998 but not the amount. The Executive Committee approved the use of the carryover from 1998 (totaling $2,708) to pay normal expenses associated with the Ida Lewis and the Leiter, as requested by the Junior Women’s Championships Committee.

7d. Crew Seminars – Mr. Muldoon reported on the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association’s recent experience with a seminar crew members. He is appointing a working party to try to develop a US SAILING crew seminar program that can be presented in partnership with regional sailing associations.

7e. ISAF Media Rights Plan – The Executive Committee discussed the report that Mr. Cook distributed to the Executive Committee before the meeting. The Executive Committee approved the following votes:

    1. A working party shall be appointed by the President to work with the Executive Director to implement that votes that follow and to prepare an announcement to inform member clubs, regional sailing associations and class associations of the ISAF Media Rights regulation, making it clear US SAILING does not endorse the regulation. The announcement also will inform them that, to the extent US SAILING becomes the owner or licensee of the media rights to any event, those rights automatically are conveyed to the organizing authority.
    2. To the extent that media rights to international events are owned by ISAF, the Executive Director and the working party to be appointed by the President are directed to apply for the license of all media rights for such events conducted in 1999 in regions in which US SAILING is the member national authority.
    3. To the extent US SAILING becomes the licensee or owner of media rights to any event conducted in 1999, those rights are automatically sub-licensed, without fee, to the organizing authority. In the event there are two or more organizations serving as organizing authority for the same event, each organization by this vote is granted a non-exclusive sub-license, without fee, to use in its sole discretion.

8. Article 14/Rule 69 Issues – Mr. Eaton was excused and left the meeting before any Article 14 or Rule 69 issues were discussed. Mr. Everingham was excused and left the meeting before 99-14-01 was discussed, and Mr. Harper kept the minutes for the remainder of the meeting.

8a. 99-14-01 - Mr. Harper advised that the office has received a grievance arising out of a series of incidents previously addressed by the PHRF Appeals Committee. The matter has been referred to the Article 14 Review Board. Mr. Lane was asked to draft a memorandum to the Article 14 Review Board concerning certain issues to be addressed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. (Eastern Time). The next meeting will be by telephone conference call at 2000 (Eastern Time) on Monday, June 28, 1999 (rescheduled from June 14).


J. Theodore Everingham, Secretary