Safety at Sea™ Hands-On Online Supplement


This online course from US Sailing consists of five units that are of interest to all offshore sailors. Successfully completing this course with a final Post-Assessment score of 70 or above is one step to earning your World Sailing Hands on Certification.

  1. Emergency Communications
  2. Personal Safety Gear
  3. Giving Assistance
  4. Crew Health
  5. Crew overboard

Course length

The total course time will very based on your prior knowledge. If you take the pre-assessment the course will determine prior knowledge and calibrate the course to your learning needs. The estimated time for a novice learner is around one hour per unit.

Prerequisites for entrance into the online supplement.


Requirements for certification

  1. Completing this Safety at Sea™ Hands-On Online Supplement with a final Post-Assessment score of 70 or above.
  2. Participate in a Hands-on seminar.

Requirements for successful completion of this online course

  1. Watch all videos.
  2. Use the check your understanding questions at the end of each topic.
  3. Take notes, your notes will be timestamped with the video and are searchable.
  4. Space out your leaning time. No need to rush though, take the course over a few nights)

Training materials


Course Fees

Your certification has two separate fees:

  1. Online course – $50 Non-US Sailing Member or $35 for US Sailing Members (Storm Trysail Seminar students fee paid through and by your seminar provider.)
  2. Hands-On Seminar (Set by and paid to Seminar provider)

Cancellation Policy

  • Course fees are nonrefundable


In order to register, I understand that I must have completed the requirements to earn my Safety at Sea™ World Sailing Hands-on certification.