US Sailing Foundation – Our Focus is on the Horizon


Sailing is evolving.  At US Sailing, we’re not just adapting . . . . we’ve changed our heading.


Over the last five years, US Sailing has restructured nearly every aspect of the organization.

Streamlined our Governance

Optimized Organizational Structure

Developed New Resources

Leveraged Technology to Educate and Connect

Launching a fresh start in new Headquarters

With these changes are in place, US Sailing is now on course to the future where . . .

  • inclusion and diversity is the standard
  • newcomers enjoy access to affordable and inclusive local sailing communities
  • every sailor is trained to the highest possible standards in their choice of equipment
  • every competitor has the opportunity to excel
  • America’s top racing talent has the training to compete and win at sailing’s pinnacle events

Foundation Intro (1st paragraph missing)

US Sailing’s day-to-day functions provide the necessary framework for our sport;  racing rules, instructor training, official training, handicap rating services, and more. These are among the essential functions provided by all National Governing Bodies (NGB’s) for sports in the United States. US Sailing’s congressional mandate gives us a front-row seat to our sport and from this position we know that if the sport of sailing is to grow and thrive, change is needed.

Sailing must change faster because the world is changing faster. Technology is delivering an increasing array of faster, more challenging equipment that requires an entirely new set of skills. Digital communications connect sailors in real time with opportunities to share and expand their experience. Electronic education platforms reach far wider, more diverse audiences. Social media exposes young sailors to choices, and the spectra of speed, agility, and adventure is irresistible.

But balance is critical. There is much to learn and retain from a sailing tradition that is grounded in the Corinthian spirit and the concept of seamanship. At the same time, there is much to gain from advancements in technology and communications, and we have a clear opportunity to broaden our reach and inspire a new generation of sailors coming into the sport from non-traditional pathways.  We do not have to throw out tradition in order to welcome change.  There is room and need for both.

In recent years, US Sailing has successfully developed channels that expand access and raise the bar in training and competitive standards; but it’s not enough because it was created for a framework that doesn’t fully represents the way many people want to sail, nor the way we all consume information and connect to each other.

There are many nonprofit sailing organizations dedicated to preserving sailing’s rich traditions, and they’re purpose and accomplishments are essential. However, the US Sailing Foundation is on a different heading and has charted a course to the horizon. The USSF’s mission is to provide the resources needed to lead sailing into future, and as we cast off, we’re collecting crew from inside and outside of traditional sailing circles. We’re identifying people within our sport who are innovators within their own lives.  People who have achieved high levels of success by exercising the courage to think differently, who bring a disruptive energy and know how channel it effectively, who have successfully conceived and implemented change and can bring that experience to our sport.

(Concluding Paragraph Missing)